From InfoSud/News agencies:

Former US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger’s appearance in Geneva for the Annual Global Strategic Review conference (Sept. 10-12) has sparked controversy by those who think he should be brought before an international court on war crimes charges for his role in Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile and elsewhere

Kissinger is due to give the keynote speech Friday (September 10) evening but already protesters have gathered in front of the Intercontinental Hotel where the conference is being held. They are mainly from Geneva’s Chilean population, those granted asylum from the Augusto Pinochet regime. They accuse Kissinger of supporting the military coup that toppled the democratically elected government of President Salvador Allende resulting in decades of repression.

The protesters say it is also a mockery to hold the conference so close to Geneva’s UN headquarters where the UN Human Rights Council opens its next session on Monday, September 13.

Pamela Taylor